Thursday 19 November 2020

How Has Technology Changed Homeownership? | Electronics Maker

We’re living in a highly technological age. And while you might think that only applies to personal devices and industry moguls, the truth is that technology has changed countless aspects of our daily lives that we might not even be aware of. Let’s take a look at how technology has changed homeownership for the better.

Lower Energy Expenses

Eco-friendliness is increasingly important to homeowners and prospective homebuyers. And with a few key pieces of technology, it’s now possible to cut down on energy use without spending exorbitant amounts of money. Take metal roofs, for example. Metal roofing can save homeowners up to 25% in energy expenses when compared to traditional asphalt shingles. This is possible because metal roofing reflects sunlight and heat away from your home. Combined with good attic insulation, energy use will be at a minimum because your roof helps deflect heat and retain cool air in your home so it stays at a more consistent temperature. In addition, programmable thermostats have changed the energy efficiency game for homeowners. The ability to program a thermostat to lower the temperature when nobody’s home and raise it when more people are spending time in the house can help save a good amount of energy. When smart technology can help regulate the temperature in your home, it’s easier to spend less money and use less energy on heating and cooling expenses.

Hey Alexa!

Virtual assistant technology has absolutely changed life at home for the better. In an age where many people are trying to get away from looking at their phones, virtual assistant technology provides a little bit of help. Need to check the weather without getting sucked into social media notifications? There’s a virtual assistant technology that can help you with that. Not only that, but these voice-command powered pieces of technology can make all the difference when you need some more in-depth information. Considering there are almost 5.8 billion Google searches every day, asking your virtual assistant instead of spending hours going down a research rabbit hole on your computer can save a ton of time. You can even get more organized with virtual assistant technology! Making grocery lists, to-do lists, and setting timers has never been easier.

More Efficient Appliances

We already covered energy efficiency, but what about time efficiency? Whether you’re one of the 14% of homeowners planning on making kitchen improvements or you’ve just needed a new washing machine for a while, newer technology can help you get everyday chores done faster. Take dishwashers, for instance. Not only do newer dishwashers use less water, but they can often wash dishes more thoroughly and more efficiently. In addition, washers and dryers are much more efficient. When you consider that dryers can also take some of the ironing work off of your plate with newer settings, investing in new appliance technology seems like a no-brainer. Getting your household chores done has never taken less time.

Technology has changed our lives in so many ways, even around the house. These are just a few of the many ways in which new technology has changed life for homeowners for the better.

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