Tuesday 30 March 2021

In partnership with Acklio, Wasion unveils DLMS electricity meters | Electronics Maker

The long-range low-power LoRaWAN technology has become an established solution for smart metering in recent years. Reliable, robust and cost-effective, it is becoming an increasingly popular choice for water and gas meter rollouts. Recent deployments have been proven at scale, demonstrating LoRaWAN’s implementation flexibility and performance, while ensuring a highly competitive TCO for utilities. Thanks to Acklio’s innovations, LoRaWAN has joined the bouquet of connectivity supported by the DLMS User Association at the end of 2020. It is now featured among the standard network technologies for Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI), allowing utilities to collect real-time consumption data and better manage their network. This new market will involve millions of meters over the next few years.

Wasion announces the availability of an electricity meter range with LoRaWAN connectivity. This portfolio upgrade is driven by utility customers’ demand to mutualize their LoRaWAN infrastructure already deployed for other energies. LoRaWAN brings unique benefits to fill the gaps with other technologies in rural or large areas. In addition, it is also already being considered for full electricity deployments. With this new connectivity option, Wasion is focusing on implementing standard solutions to ensure multi-technology and multi-vendor interoperability, as well as replicability of its solutions across the DLMS/COSEM ecosystem worldwide.

Karl QIN, AMI Product Department Deputy Manager at Wasion: “Wasion is constantly striving to provide utilities with the latest innovations to implement solutions that best fit their specific requirements, including reduce meter reading costs, save resources, enhance customer service. By partnering with Acklio, we offer our customers the new reliable and cost-effective connectivity option with the guarantee of standards compliance and thus interoperability with the entire DLMS/COSEM ecosystem. »

As a pioneer of the SCHC technology, Acklio provides the flagship internationally proven implementation for DLMS over LoRaWAN. The new DLMS standard communication profile dedicated to LPWANs ensures full DLMS operation over LoRaWAN while guaranteeing seamless interoperability with the existing DLMS/COSEM ecosystem. On the one hand, Acklio enables LoRaWAN operators with the ability to port DLMS deployments, while improving the scalability of the radio technology for the metering industry. And on the other hand, here illustrated with Wasion, Acklio provides the software stack enabling the conversion of an existing electric meter design to LoRaWAN in record time. The integration is done at the communication module level, allowing capitalizing on the same meter design for multiple connectivities. Acklio ensures meter manufacturers an unbeatable time-to-market while keeping operating costs low.

Alexander Pelov, CEO of Acklio and chairman of the DLMS UA qualification committee: “Committed to Acklio’s mission to promote standards-based solutions in the IoT world, we are delighted with this new step in the adoption of SCHC for smart electricity metering. As a highly innovative meter manufacturer with customers across the globe, Wasion is a valuable partner joining the growing ecosystem of DLMS over LoRaWAN players.”

About Acklio: Acklio is a French start-up created in 2016. The co-founders are at the origin of a technology that brings the emerging constrained IoT networks with the ability to transport IP-based applications. It opens added-value use cases for LPWANs and ensures the interoperability, interconnection, and security of IoT deployments. This mechanism, called SCHC for Static Context Header Compression, has been released as an IETF standard in April 2020. As the flagship international implementation of this new standard, Acklio’s software suite accelerates the go-to-market and future-proofs the IoT solution. www.ackl.io – Press kit and illustrations: http://bit.ly/acklio-presskit

About Wasion:Wasion Holdings is the leading provider of energy measurement equipment and energy saving solutions in the People’s Republic of China. Its products and services include Power Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Power AMI), Communication and Fluid Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Communication and Fluid AMI), and Advanced Distribution Operations (ADO) (Smart Distribution Solutions (SDS), Smart Distribution Devices (SDD), and Energy Efficiency Solutions (EES). The Group’s current clients include power grid companies, water, gas and heat providers, and other major industrial and commercial users. Its products have major market share in the PRC and are exported worldwide including Asia, Africa, Europe and United States. Its research center and laboratory have been certified as national grade and international standards. Wasion’s research and development capabilities in smart metering and energy saving solutions are renowned within the industry.

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