Monday 19 July 2021

5 Technologies Making Construction a Safer Industry | Electronics Maker

It goes without saying that working in the construction sector can be hazardous. Construction workers accounted for 20% of all employee deaths in private industries in 2017, according to OSHA. The number of persons employed in the construction business surpassed 9 million in 2019. Construction companies are turning to developing technologies to improve job safety and prevent accidents before they happen. The following are examples of how technology is making construction sites a safer place to work.


Drones are utilized on building projects for everything from surveying the construction site to structural inspections. They’re also being utilized on building sites to make them Safer. With the construction industry growing in new townhome construction by 20% in the previous year according to data from housing market research group Metrostudy, drones are used to conduct short construction site checks and identify potential concerns. They can also be used to keep an eye on employees while on the construction site to verify that they are operating responsibly and carefully. Drones are also being used to snap images of work sites as it develops, coming up with as-built drawings to keep everyone up to date on the changing conditions each day.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has been used by construction companies to train their employees, on everything from cranes to excavating operations. Workers can begin training in a controlled 3D environment prior to construction of the structure whether one is familiar with the machinery to be used or not. Construction workers gain experience through the use of virtual reality so they can make judgments and deal with unforeseen issues in real-time, with little risk of physical harm.


For industrial application, exoskeletons and powerlifting suits are being developed so that workers can lift and carry goods or use heavy tools for longer periods of time without placing their bodies under undue stress. Power assist suits such as those created by big tech companies are intended to prevent fatigue and damage while still maintaining appropriate posture. These devices use counterweights to make lifting and hauling easier. Sensors and motors in powered suits can assist employees by decreasing back discomfort and allowing them to move heavy loads.


Now there are goggles that can record and transmit what a worker sees in real-time to someone thousands of kilometers away. This means that the worker can get quick assistance from a supervisor, lowering the chance of error while simultaneously ensuring that the worker is doing the duty safely. High-tech equipment like smart vests can track a worker’s heart rate, body temperature, and sweat rate, allowing for the detection and treatment of potentially harmful situations like heat stroke before an injury occurs. When a worker falls or doesn’t move for an extended amount of time, motion sensors can inform supervisors or adjacent coworkers. The technology is advanced enough to determine whether a worker has just stopped in place, removed the device, or slipped and fallen.

Smart Sensors

There are several hazards on a typical construction site, and not all of them are immediately evident. Asbestos or other poisons, for example, could be present on the premises. Smart sensors are an excellent method to mitigate these dangers. When smart sensors are placed around the construction site, they will react immediately if a deadly poison is present. This implies that the personnel will be able to leave the place before any significant damage occurs. Fire can also be detected using smart sensors. It can also read the humidity levels in the air to the point that it can identify a pipe leak. Time is of the utmost importance when something goes wrong on a construction site. You can use smart sensors to detect an issue.

As technology advances, the ever-expanding construction industry will ideally become not only more cost-effective but also safer for workers. Though technology has proven to keep workers on the construction site safe, it’s also important to keep the site clean and organized. Workers must be aware of how to use and store tools and equipment, effective garbage removal operation using dumpsters. Roll-off dumpsters with a capacity of 40 cubic yards are ideal for large, ongoing home projects or building sites. This makes it simple to clear clutter, keep workers safe, and operate swiftly and efficiently without injuries or loss of life.

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