Tuesday 24 August 2021

5 Ways Technology Is Making it Easier to Buy and Sell Homes | Electronics Maker

The process of buying and selling a home is not the same as it was some 10 or 20 years ago. With technology establishing its roots in society, one can simply post pictures of the home they are selling online or peruse different websites to find the ideal home. This has made the process faster and more efficient for both buyers and sellers. Here is a look at five ways technology is making the real estate experience easier for buyers and sellers.

Using and Viewing Images of High Quality

Ever heard the saying, one picture is worth a thousand words? This is one of those situations that the phrase applies to. If you are selling a home, one vital thing is the quality of the images you post. A buyer is interested in seeing clear visuals in order to make an informed decision. Some houses come with damage, especially when they are old. Most homes require improvement or remodeling in the US because about 80% are possibly over 20 years old. A buyer will want to know whether they will have to improve the kitchen, the bathroom, or the living room. The only way they can know this is if you post quality images.

A Virtual Reality Experience

Even though posting or seeing home videos was not precise, the images were only limited to two dimensions until recently. However, you can now offer potential buyers a 3D experience, allowing them to take a virtual tour of the property on their device. This allows the buyer to see all corners, inspect everything, and even schedule a home visit. This process is also easier for buyers as they can explore as many homes as they want from one place, creating convenience and saving time.

Use of Augmented Reality in Staging or Furnishing a Home

Augmented reality is also making it easier for people to buy and sell homes. Sellers can stage furniture, accent pieces, and decor in a home, increasing the chances of attracting potential buyers. On the other hand, buyers can visualize how their furniture will look in a potential new home or even how certain home renovations will transform a house. It is not uncommon for people to renovate their homes when they are either old or need a change. In the last year, about 10% of homeowners did a bath or kitchen remodel. Augmented reality gives buyers a chance to virtually renovate a home and get a feel of what the house looks like with particular renovations, which helps them decide.

Through Social Sharing

Social networks are great platforms for people to buy and sell homes. Word spreads quickly through these platforms. In fact, with time, social feeds have become so interconnected, that it is not only your friends who see your posts but their friends as well. Therefore, if you are a realtor, you can advertise a home that you are selling on your timeline, and within a short time, you manage to have reached many people. With a platform being public, it allows for engagement between buyers and sellers. This allows buyers to make inquiries, exchange contact information, schedule visits, and even negotiate for a better price.

Easing the Process

One of the toughest things about selling or buying a home is the closing process requiring signing tons of papers. That is why most people prefer working with realtors to help ease the process. About 92% of US homes are sold using a broker or agent. They can easily fax information to both a buyer and seller on things like counteroffers, contracts, and other vital documents. Also, e-signatures allow buyers and sellers to sign documents immediately and send them to a realtor for verification for easy closing.

One cannot dispute how efficient tech is in making it easier for people to buy and sell homes. Therefore, whether you are a realtor or looking to buy or sell, use the technology around you for a quick and painless process.

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